? ??????????????Skateboarding? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (166 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 12595 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????From the Snow? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.8 (65 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 7105 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The joy of working on a saturday

Completely random but...
I worked this Saturday for.... 12 hours. While most people slept in and had a leisurely day, I worked my butt off. I coached 3 gymnastics classes in the morning, then coached a private lesson, had a short break and then headed to Buffalo Wild Wings where I worked the dinner shift 4-11. Although this was a completely exhausting day, it was totally worth it!! I made a ton of money in tips as well as 40/hr for a private lesson. Overall it was a very positive day.... and when I think about it... what else would I have done instead... not made any money.... slept in til noon.... ate food... watched tv.... did a little homework... tried to stay out of the heat... lol. Working was an excellent choice!!! :)


Kristin said...

Hey Ness!
If you copy and paste that html code under Dashboard>settings>add a page element>html code it won't screw with the boundaries of all your posts. :) just a thought.
and I love you. And I'll put the pictures up as soon as I possibly can. :) My sister is bringing the disk up this weekend. It's going to be fun :)